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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Novo 7 crystal enliven the gadget world market

Samsung and Apple are less likely to glance at the market down the middle to have been the inspiration china based company Ainol. Ainol plans to launch a cheap tablet for lower middle market with the launch of Novo 7 crystal. It adopts the android OS tablet Jelly Bean.
Price range roughly around $ 160. but at a low price does not make the existing facilities on the tablet is also cheap, but the facilities are brought quite satisfactory. The specifications can be paired with top grade tablet. So the tablet Ainol output is suitable for those who have a small income.
Specifications offered by Ainol which this is an ARM Cortex A9 chip dualcore using 1GB of RAM. Novo 7 Crystal uses 7 Inches wide screen with a resolution of 1024x600 IPS manifold. while the memory of 8 GB with the addition fasitas via a microSD. With this memory Novo 7 was able to spoil its customers for a wide range of storage, let alone still provided extra memory if it is still lacking.

With this 7-inch screen specifications, will make Ainol favored by the search gadget, this is because the 7-inch screen more and more in demand by consumers. Especially with hardware diusungnya and considerable storage capacity and of course performance is also supported by a sizable RAM, but with a relatively cheap, it is not wrong if Ainol will be a rival to be considered by the producers of the gadgets nowadays.

with the advent of this Ainol then competition in the sale of 7-inch gadget will be intense. Since the major manufacturers now also begin to look to make a gadget with 7 inch screen. live how will pre consumers in selecting products offered. And small manufacturers now also begin to look for these opportunities carefully to get to the heart of the consumer gadgets today. now required accuracy of the consumer to be able to get items in the interest of the capabilities required by the development of the global information age increasingly fierce. And Ainol could be a reference to the consumer.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's a great opportunity for the middle class people to use tablet by the blessing of Chaina based company Ainol. It is one of the best cheap gadgets I have ever seen. I think it will be get popularity within few days. My best wishes for Ainol.

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